JS-Iteration Statements.

Total Number of Questions: 9
  Find the number of digits.

Take a number from the user and print the count of digits in that number.

Note: Complete the Find_Digits function. No need to take any input.

const Find_Digits = (N) => 
    var count = 0;
    while(N >= 1){
        N = (N/10);
    return (count);

  Find the Fives.

Among all the digits from 0−9, PrepBuddy likes number 5. He has a number and wants you to find out the number of times 5 occurred in the given number.

Note: Complete the Find_Five function. No need to take any input.

const Find_Five = (N) => 
    var count = 0;
    var M = 0;
    while(M >= 1){
        M = N%10;
        if (M === 5){
            return count;

  Find Sum.

You are given an integer N, and your task is to find the sum of all the even integers starting from 1 upto N(Ninclusive).

Note: Complete the findSum function. No need to take any input.

const findSum = (n) => {
    var j = 0;
    for(var i=0; i <= n; i++ ){
        if(i%2 === 0){
        j = j+i;
    return j; 

  Find the sum of the digits of a given number.

Write a program that takes a number from the user and get the sum of the digits present in the number.

Note: Complete the Number_Sum function. No need to take any input.

const Number_Sum = (N) => {
    var O = 0;
    while(N >= 1){
        var M = N%10;
        O = M+O;
        N = parseInt(N/10);
    return O;

  Print the Odds.

Write a program which takes a number from user and print all odd numbers in between 2 and N, but print 2 first.

Note: Complete the Print_Odd function. No need to take any input.

const Print_Odd = (N) =>{
    for( var i=2 ; i <= N ; i++){
        if(i === 2){
            if(i%2 === 1){

  Print the Pattern.

Write a program which ask user for no of lines and print a pattern using an asterik.

Note: Complete the Print_pattern function. No need to take any input.

const Print_pattern = (N) => {
    for( var i = 1; i < N; i++){
        var s = "";
        for( var j = 1; j < i; j++){
            s = s+"*";

  Check whether a Number is a prime or not.

Write a program which takes a number from user and check whether number is prime number or not a prime number.

Note: Complete the Prime_Check function. No need to take any input.

const Prime_Check = (N) => {
    if(N === 1){
        return "NO"
        for(var i = 2; i < N ; i++){
            if( N%i === 0){
                return "NO";
    return "YES";

  Print Numbers.

You are given an integer N, and your task is to print all the integers starting from 1 upto N(Ninclusive).

Note: Complete the printNumbers function. No need to take any input.

const printNumbers = (n) => {
    for(let i = 1;i <= n;i++){

  Print the Table.

Write a program which takes a number from user and print the table.

Note: Complete the Triangle_Check function. No need to take any input.

const Print_Table = (N) => {
    for(var i = 1; i <= 10; i++){
        console.log(`${N} * ${i} = `,N*i)